Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yellow Squash and Leek Creme Soup

This is a light cream soup that is perfect for summer.  This is one of my favorite modern southern soups.  Leeks and yellow squash go very well together.
     Recipe:  Heat a sauce pot over medium low heat.
     Add 2 pats of unsalted butter.
     Add 1 minced garlic clove. 
     Add a handful of thin sliced leek greens.
     Stir and sweat the leaks till the become tender. 
     Cut the rind off of a yellow squash and very thin slice the rind. 
     Finely chop the inside pulp portion of the yellow squash. 
     Turn the temperature of the sauce pot up to medium heat. 
     Add the finely chopped inner pulp part of the squash to the sizzling leeks and garlic in the pan. 
     Saute the squash pulp till it is very tender and a rich squash aroma develops.
     Add the thin sliced rind of the yellow squash. 
     Saute till the rind is cooked al dente. 
     Add 1 1/2 cups of chicken broth. 
     Bring the soup to a gentle boil.
     Stir in a little bit of blonde colored roux at a time with a whisk to thicken the broth to a medium sauce consistency.
     Add 1 cup of milk while stirring. 
     Simmer the soup over medium heat while stirring, till the soup thickens to a medium thin consistency.  
     Add a pinch of Herbs du Provence.
     Add sea salt and white pepper.
     Add a bay leaf.
     Reduce the temperature to medium low heat.
     Simmer the soup till the squash is tender and the flavors meld. 
     Remove the bay leaf. 
     Stir a dollop of sour cream into the soup before serving. 
     Pour the soup into a bowl. 
     Garnish with a dab of finely minced tomato and parsley leaf.
     Yum!  Smooth, silky cream soup with a wonderful leek and yellow summer squash flavor is very warm and comfortable!  Cooking the squash pulp in the butter really helps to release the full yellow squash flavor.  The sour cream just adds what modern milk lacks.  The small amount of sour cream also adds a nice light creme fraiche flavor to the soup.  Just a pinch of Herbs Du Provence is all that is needed to flavor this delicate soup. Yum! ... Shawna

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