Saturday, October 15, 2011

Blackberry Tart with Chantilly Cream (Torta di mirtilli alla crema chantilly)

To make your Sunday a little sweet I propose you a new dessert recipie which is for sure not a diet recipie! I've made this tart for my friends using the last fresh blackberries of the season (this year my garden produced an incredible amount of berries) it was delicious...but ok just for special occasions! If you don't have blackberries you can use any other fruit... the one you like. You could also mix different fruits and create a very colourful tart!

Serving 8

1 portion of Short Crust Pastry
1 portion of Italian Pastry Cream
500gr of Blackberries(or any other fruit)
250ml  of 35% fat cream (to be whipped)
2Tbs powdered sugar

Preheat the oven 180°C (360°F). Roll out the Short Crust Pastry on a floured surface with a rolling pin, until it is about 30cm in diameter, lift it up using the rolling pin and drape carefully over a buttered and floured tart pan. 

Carefully push the pastry down into the edges of the pan. Run the rolling pin over the top of the tin to cut off the excess and leaving a neat, smooth edged crust. Lightly prick the pastry using a fork. Cut a large circle from baking paper and place it over the pastry in your tart tin, fill with dried beans, chick peas or rice. Blind bake like this for 20 minutes, then take out the paper and beans and bake for a further 10 minutes.While the pastry case is cooking, prepare the filling. Prepare a portion of Italian Pastry cream and let it cool. Take the pastry case out of the oven and make it cool. While the case is cooling prepare the cream. Place the cream in the freeze for 1 or 2 minutes before wipping. Whip using a mixer or a kitchen whip. When almost whipped add 1 and half Tbs of powedered sugar. You are now ready to compose the blackberries tart.

Place the Pastry cream into the tart case and make it even.

Add the cream on the top and make it even with a long wet knife or spatula. Gently place the blackberries on the top starting from the center.

Cover the surface with blackberries and powder with powdered sugar. Your dessert is ready.
Buon appetito!

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